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der wintec.
Has­sas me­sa­fe öl­çü­mü için Time-​of-Flight sen­sör­le­ri

wintec’e sahip (wenglor interference-​free tech­no­logy) Time-​of-Flight (ToF) uzun me­sa­fe özel­lik­li lazer me­sa­fe sen­sör­le­ri on yıl­dan uzun sü­re­dir dünya ça­pın­da sa­yı­sız en­düst­ri­yi et­ki­li­yor. Bu sen­sör­le­rin yeni nesli, DS tek­no­lo­ji­si sa­ye­sin­de has­sa­si­yet, per­for­mans, pa­ra­zit gü­ven­li­ği, ha­ber­leş­me ye­te­ne­ği ve sağ­lam­lık ko­nu­la­rın­da bir kez daha stan­dart­la­rı be­lir­li­yor. Lazer me­sa­fe sen­sör­le­ri ola­rak da ad­lan­dı­rı­lan ışık ha­re­ket sü­re­si sen­sör­le­ri, ob­je­le­ri renk, par­lak­lık, yüzey ya­pı­sı ve eğim açı­sın­dan ba­ğım­sız ola­rak al­gı­lar.

DS tek­no­lo­ji­si­ne (Dy­na­mic Sen­si­ti­vity) sahip wintec.

Kla­sik gönder-​al sü­re­si tek­no­lo­ji­le­ri­ne kı­yas­la en yeni wintec nesli, “Dy­na­mic Sen­si­ti­vity” tek­no­lo­ji­siy­le (DS) ça­lı­şır. Lazer me­sa­fe sen­sö­rü, nano sa­ni­ye ara­lı­ğın­da lazer ışık atım­la­rı gön­de­rir, bun­la­rın sin­yal­le­ri is­ta­tis­tik­sel ola­rak de­ğer­len­di­ri­lir ve böy­le­ce ob­je­ye olan me­sa­fe de­ğe­ri­ni he­sap­lar.

  • Ben­zer­siz alıcı has­sa­si­ye­ti
  • 10.000 mm’ye kadar geniş ça­lış­ma ara­lı­ğı
  • Sa­de­ce 3 mm’lik tek­rar­la­na­bi­lir­lik
  • 100.000 Lux’e kadar yük­sek ortam ışığı da­ya­nık­lı­lı­ğı
  • Bo­zu­cu et­ki­le­re karşı du­yar­sız­dır

ToF Sen­sors with OLED Disp­lay

The la­test ge­ne­ra­ti­on of laser dis­tan­ce sen­sors with wintec tech­no­logy is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by its high user-​friendliness and in­tu­iti­ve ope­ra­ti­on, which spe­eds up pa­ra­me­te­ri­za­ti­on. Its extended working range makes it ideal for app­li­ca­ti­ons that require me­asu­re­ments over long dis­tan­ces.

  • Wireless con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on via weCon app
  • High-​quality OLED disp­lay 
  • High-​performance IO-​Link in­ter­fa­ce with COM3
  • Ref­lec­tor based va­ri­ant P1PX2 with a range of 100 m

Time of Flight Sen­sors in 316L Sta­in­less Steel Ho­using

For extreme in­dust­ri­al en­vi­ron­ments, wintec is ava­ilab­le in a high-​quality sta­in­less steel ho­using for the first time, which gives the po­si­ti­on sen­sor even gre­ater mec­ha­ni­cal ro­bust­ness at tem­pe­ra­tu­res of −40 to +50 °C, as well as high che­mi­cal ma­te­ri­al re­sis­tan­ce.

  • IP69K deg­ree of pro­tec­ti­on via laser-​welded ho­using
  • Re­sis­tant to cle­aning agents with ECO­LAB app­ro­val
  • Corrosion-​resistant ho­using made of sta­in­less steel 316L (1.4404/V4A)
  • Re­sis­tant to oils and lub­ri­cants

ToF Sen­sors for Per­for­man­ce and Pre­ci­si­on

ToF sen­sors with DS tech­no­logy are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by their outs­tan­ding per­for­man­ce and pre­ci­si­on over a large working range, re­gard­less of sur­fa­ce fi­nish or ma­te­ri­al color. They pro­vi­de re­li­ab­le data from trans­pa­rent to dark and shiny ob­jects under all con­di­ti­ons. Thanks to the en­lar­ged laser light spot, they gu­aran­tee con­sis­tent me­asu­re­ment re­sults, even on une­ven sur­fa­ces and complex st­ruc­tu­res.

Time-of-Flight Sensors for Safety and Reliability

Dis­tan­ce Sen­sors for Du­ra­bi­lity and Ro­bust­ness


The wintec me­asu­ring sen­sor is re­sis­tant to cle­aning agents thanks to its ro­bust 316L (1.4404/V4A) sta­in­less steel ho­using with ECO­LAB app­ro­val and high IP69K deg­ree of pro­tec­ti­on, ma­king it ideal for the wash-​down area in the food in­dustry. Its re­sis­tan­ce to oils, co­olants and im­pacts makes it par­ti­cu­larly du­rab­le, me­aning it is also ideal for use in harsh in­dust­ri­al en­vi­ron­ments – even with high-​pressure cle­aning up to 100 bar and 80 °C water tem­pe­ra­tu­re. 


For app­li­ca­ti­ons in harsh en­vi­ron­ments with high le­vels of sparks – such as welding app­li­ca­ti­ons – the in­terc­han­ge­ab­le PMMA lens with spe­ci­al co­ating pro­vi­des inc­re­ased pro­tec­ti­on of the dis­tan­ce sen­sor in a ro­bust sta­in­less steel ho­using. Len­ses worn by welding spat­ter can be easily rep­la­ced. This means that no ad­di­ti­onal pro­tec­ti­ve ho­using is required and the dis­tan­ce sen­sor does not need to be rep­la­ced.

ToF Sen­sors for Smart Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and Con­di­ti­on Mo­ni­to­ring

IO-​Link 1.1 With COM3

Thanks to the in­teg­ra­ti­on of the la­test IO-​Link stan­dards, the time of flight sen­sor can exchange pro­cess data with the cont­rol sys­tem at an extremely high trans­mis­si­on speed of 230.4 kBit/s.

Writing Pro­cess Data

Writable pro­cess data cyc­li­cally cont­rols im­por­tant sen­sor func­ti­ons, sa­ving time-​consuming prog­ram­ming. For example, the laser light (laser class 1) can be sa­fely switched off to avoid ir­ri­ta­ti­ons du­ring human-​machine in­te­rac­ti­on. The laser light is only ac­ti­va­ted when ne­ces­sary.

In­tu­iti­ve Ope­ra­ting Software and Se­lec­tab­le Me­asu­ring Unit

Whether met­ric or the Anglo-​American me­asu­ring sys­tem – the wintec can out­put the dis­tan­ce va­lu­es in mil­li­me­ters or inc­hes. These and other set­tings are pos­sib­le via IO-​Link and can be made con­ve­ni­ently via the wTeach grap­hic ope­ra­ting software.

Built-​in Ac­ce­le­ra­ti­on Sen­sor

The ac­ce­le­ra­ti­on sen­sor built into the wintec de­tects im­pacts and shock loads. This can be used to de­tect, for example, whether a dri­ver­less trans­port sys­tem (DTS) has been sub­jec­ted to a shock load due to a crash.

der wintec. The Fe­atu­res at a Glan­ce.

Eye-​safe laser class 1, ef­fi­ci­ent energy con­sump­ti­on to con­ser­ve re­so­ur­ces and short warm-​up times for im­me­di­ate ope­ra­ti­onal re­adi­ness are just some of the tech­ni­cal fe­atu­res that set wintec apart. A wide range of app­li­ca­ti­ons is gu­aran­te­ed thanks to dif­fe­rent pro­duct se­ri­es and the as­so­ci­ated ad­van­ta­ges.

P1PY1 Se­ri­es

Working range 0.05 m to 10 m
Rep­ro­du­ci­bi­lity max. 3 mm
Li­ne­arity de­vi­ati­on 10 mm
Plas­tic ho­usings:
Di­men­si­ons 50 × 50 × 20 mm
IP67/IP68 deg­ree of pro­tec­ti­on

P2PY1 Se­ri­es

Working range 0.05 m to 10 m
Rep­ro­du­ci­bi­lity max. 3 mm
Li­ne­arity de­vi­ati­on 10 mm
Sta­in­less steel 316L ho­using
Di­men­si­ons 50 × 54.7 × 25 mm
Deg­ree of pro­tec­ti­on IP69K/ECO­LAB

P1PY2/P1PX2 Se­ri­es

Working range 0.1 m to 100 m
Rep­ro­du­ci­bi­lity 3 mm to 20 mm
Li­ne­arity de­vi­ati­on 10 mm to 50 mm
Plas­tic ho­usings:
OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth
Di­men­si­ons 54.2 × 50 × 20 mm
IP67/IP68 deg­ree of pro­tec­ti­on

ToF Sen­sors for All Chal­len­ges

Note: Simply click the re­le­vant icon to learn more about the app­li­ca­ti­on.

Time-​of-Flight Laser Dis­tan­ce Sen­sors

Out­put Con­nec­ti­on Spe­ci­al fe­atu­re
P1PY201 2 × NO PNP M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth
P1PY203 2 × NO NPN M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth
P1PY207 Ana­log 0…10 V M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth
P1PY208 Ana­log 4…20 mA M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth
P1PY207S01 Ana­log 0…10 V M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth, pin com­pa­ti­bi­lity
P1PY208S01 Ana­log 4…20 mA M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth, pin com­pa­ti­bi­lity
P1PX201 An­ti­va­lent PNP M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth, me­asu­ring on ref­lec­tor
P1PX203 An­ti­va­lent NPN M12 plug, 5-pin OLED disp­lay/Blu­eto­oth, me­asu­ring on ref­lec­tor
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