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wen­glor Do­na­tion Cam­paign for Urmel Kin­der­krebshil­fe Chil­dren’s Can­cer Cha­rity a Com­ple­te Suc­cess

wen­glor sen­so­ric, a family-​owned com­pany based in Tett­nang, Ger­many, and its em­plo­yees, suc­cess­fully co­llec­ted do­na­tions for Urmel Kin­der­krebshil­fe e.V. as part of the “weUr­mel do­na­tion cha­llen­ge 2022”: After just six months, do­na­tions to­ta­ling more than 11,000 euros were rai­sed for chil­dren with can­cer. The spe­cial thing about the achie­ve­ment was that the com­pany group and wen­glor em­plo­yees them­sel­ves were part of the multi-​stage cam­paign. Urmel board mem­ber Mi­chael Müller was ama­zed at the do­na­ted funds at the check pre­sen­ta­tion last Tues­day in Frie­drichsha­fen.

Three-​stage Cha­llen­ge Began in April
The weUr­mel do­na­tion cha­llen­ge star­ted back in April of this year. wen­glor Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor Fa­bian Baur han­ded over an im­me­dia­te do­na­tion of 5,000 euros to Urmel at the be­gin­ning of the cam­paign. In the pe­riod that fo­llo­wed, all wen­glor em­plo­yees were asked to ge­ne­ra­te as many fo­llo­wers as pos­si­ble via the so­cial chan­nels of Urmel and wen­glor – with great suc­cess. More than 5,000 new users have been added since then, mea­ning that wen­glor is now han­ding over a further 5,000 euros in do­na­tions after a pe­riod of six months. Ho­we­ver, the em­plo­yees of the medium-​sized com­pany them­sel­ves were also en­cou­ra­ged to do­na­te money from their own poc­kets to a good cause as weUr­mel spon­sors. And they have: 1,125 euros was rai­sed th­rough further vo­lun­tary pri­va­te do­na­tions. An im­pres­si­ve re­sult for Urmel board mem­ber Mi­chael Müller: “I am per­so­nally de­ligh­ted that not only wen­glor, but also all em­plo­yees have ac­ti­vely par­ti­ci­pa­ted and sup­por­ted us,” says Müller. “With this money, we can help many fa­mi­lies who ur­gently need our sup­port.”

For wen­glor ma­na­ging di­rec­tors Fa­bian and Ra­fael Baur, both fathers them­sel­ves, the cam­paign was a mat­ter close to their hearts: “As fathers, we can’t ima­gi­ne the every­day stres­ses and suf­fe­ring cau­sed by can­cer in chil­dren. This makes it all the more im­por­tant for us to help those af­fec­ted and to raise awa­re­ness within the com­pany and be­yond. This is where the work of Urmel Kin­der­krebshil­fe comes in, and we want to sup­port that.” For six months, the cam­paign was avai­la­ble not only on the wen­glor web­si­te, but also on the com­pany’s own in­tra­net, on all so­cial media chan­nels and at a spe­cially de­sig­ned cam­paign stand at the site in Tett­nang, to en­su­re that as many em­plo­yees as pos­si­ble could take part.

About Urmel Kin­der­krebshil­fe
Urmel Kin­der­krebshil­fe e.V. Frie­drichsha­fen is a young, in­no­va­ti­ve “fun­ding group for chil­dren with can­cer” that has set itself the goal of hel­ping with per­so­nal com­mit­ment and great de­di­ca­tion in our area. The as­so­cia­tion is made up of vo­lun­teers who work vo­lun­ta­rily and sel­flessly, so the do­na­tions di­rectly be­ne­fit the af­fec­ted chil­dren and their fa­mi­lies without ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve ex­pen­ses. The as­so­cia­tion was foun­ded on 20 May 2005, to en­su­re that peo­ple aren't left to face things alone.



Press Release weUrmel Donation Challenge 2022
Press Re­lea­se weUr­mel Do­na­tion Cha­llen­ge 2022 (268 KB)
Press Picture weUrmel Donation Challenge 2022
Press Pic­tu­re weUr­mel Do­na­tion Cha­llen­ge 2022 (831 KB)
Use of the Con­tent Of­fe­red

As a spe­cial ser­vi­ce tar­ge­ted at as­sis­ting jour­na­lists with their edi­to­rial work, wen­glor makes texts, pho­tos and graphics avai­la­ble for down­load free of char­ge, and for free pu­bli­ca­tion, in con­si­de­ra­tion of ap­pli­ca­ble press and copy­right laws.
Fun­da­men­tally, all of these ma­te­rials may only be used for jour­na­lis­tic pur­po­ses. Use for any other pur­po­se, es­pe­cially for com­mer­cial pur­po­ses, is not per­mit­ted. wen­glor’s mar­ke­ting de­part­ment would be happy to ans­wer any further ques­tions you might have in this re­gard.

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