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License Information – Open Source Software

This page pro­vi­des li­cen­se in­for­ma­tion for wen­glor's open sour­ce soft­wa­re.

Li­cen­se Sta­te­ment

Pro­ducts by wen­glor and/or soft­wa­re of­fe­red for down­load on this web­si­te may in­clu­de soft-​ware code crea­ted by third par­ties. This may in­clu­de soft­wa­re code which is sub­ject to the GNU Ge­ne­ral Pu­blic Li­cen­se Ver­sion 2 (“GPLv2”), GNU Ge­ne­ral Pu­blic Li­cen­se Ver­sion 3 (“GPLv3”), GNU Les­ser Ge­ne­ral Pu­blic Li­cen­se 2.1 (“LGPLv2.1”), and/or soft­wa­re code which is sub­ject to other li­cen­sing terms (jointly “Third-​Party-Software”). 

Whether a pro­duct con­tains Third-​Party-Software can be de­ter­mi­ned from the soft­wa­re ma­ni­fest pro­vi­ded by wen­glor for each af­fec­ted pro­duct. This soft­wa­re ma­ni­fest can be down­loa­ded for each af­fec­ted pro­duct or pro­duct group via the links below, saved on an end de­vi­ce and then ac­ces­sed. It can also be re­ques­ted from wen­glor in wri­ting at the con­tact de­tails given below, with re­fe­ren­ce to the res­pec­ti­ve pro­duct. The soft­wa­re ma­ni­fest in­di­ca­tes which Third-​Party-Software is used in the pro­duct and which li­cen­se terms apply in each case to the Third-​Party-Software in­clu­ded in the pro­duct. The wor­ding of these li­cen­se terms can also be down­loa­ded for the res­pec­ti­ve pro­duct or pro­duct group via the links below, saved on an end de­vi­ce and then ac­ces­sed. Some se­lec­ted li­cen­se terms are ad­di­tio­nally avai­la­ble below under “Li­cen­se Terms”.

Ac­cess to Sour­ce Code of Third-​Party-Software

Where the li­cen­se terms of a Third-​Party-Software pro­vi­de for the right of ac­cess to the sour­ce code of the res­pec­ti­ve Third-​Party-Software (in­clu­ding, but not li­mi­ted to GPLv2, GPLv3 and LGPLv2.1):
  • you can down­load the sour­ce code of this Third-​Party-Software for each re­le­vant pro­duct via the link for the res­pec­ti­ve pro­duct or pro­duct group below at any time; and, 
  • in ad­di­tion, we will pro­vi­de the sour­ce code of the res­pec­ti­ve Third-​Party-Software to every-​one on a CD-​ROM or a si­mi­lar data ca­rrier against re­im­bur­se­ment of reaso­na­ble postage costs. This offer is valid for a pe­riod of three years from the date of ship­ment of the pro­duct on which the Third-​Party-Software is lo­ca­ted and/or from the date of down­loa­ding the Third-​Party-Software from wen­glor’s web­si­te. Where the li­cen­se terms pro­vi­de for a lon­ger pe­riod, such lon­ger pe­riod ap­plies. In the event that you wish to ob­tain the sour­ce code under the afo­re­men­tio­ned con­di­tions, plea­se no­tify wen­glor of this in wri­ting to the ad­dress given be-​low or by e-​mail to info@wen­glor.com and pro­vi­de wen­glor with the name and ad­dress so that the sour­ce code can be sent:

wen­glor sen­so­ric elek­tro­nis­che Geräte GmbH
wen­glor Straße 3
88069 Tett­nang

Phone:    +49 7542 5399 0
Fax:    +49 7542 5399 988
E-​Mail:    info(at)wen­glor.com

In ad­di­tion, you can down­load further in­for­ma­tion on third party soft­wa­re used below (in­clu­ding li­cen­sing in­for­ma­tion and sour­ce codes if ap­pli­ca­ble):

Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem Li­cen­ses
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses

Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem Li­cen­ses
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses

Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem   
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses    

Con­trol Unit BBxC
Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem    
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses     

Ma­chi­ne Vi­sion Con­tro­ller MVCxxx
Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem & Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses

Pro­fi­le Sen­sors
Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem     
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses    

Soft­wa­re uni­Vi­sion 2
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses    

Soft­wa­re uni­Vi­sion 3
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses

Soft­wa­re wen­glor Dis­co­very Tool
Ap­pli­ca­tion Li­cen­ses

Li­cen­se Terms

You can down­load the terms of the li­cen­ses ap­pli­ca­ble to Open Sour­ce Soft­wa­re (of GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPLv2.1, LGPLv3) used in our pro­ducts or down­loa­da­ble on this web­si­te here: Li­cen­se Terms

Al­ter­na­ti­vely, you can find further li­cen­se terms in the co­rres­pon­ding li­cen­se pac­ka­ges.

Ad­di­tio­nal In­for­ma­tion

In case you need ad­di­tio­nal in­for­ma­tion re­gar­ding Open Sour­ce Li­cen­ses, any re­quests can be di­rec­ted to info(at)wen­glor.com.

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