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Industrial RFID

In­dus­trial RFID readers emit elec­tro­mag­ne­tic waves to write data to trans­pon­ders and read in­for­ma­tion without vi­sual or phy­si­cal con­tact. Ro­bust de­signs and fle­xi­ble fun­ctions enable clear iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, as­sign­ment and trac­king of tag­ged ob­jects – even in cha­llen­ging pro­cess en­vi­ron­ments.

Ac­ces­so­ries for In­dus­trial RFID Readers

In­dus­trial RFID Readers Pro­duct Se­lec­tor

3 products found
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R30A001 Lector RFID industrial con IO-Link

Arbeitsbereich 0 ... 50 mm* Frequenzband 13,56 MHz Einbauart nicht bündig Abmessungen M30 × 1,5

R18A001 Lector RFID industrial con IO-Link

Arbeitsbereich 0 ... 34 mm* Frequenzband 13,56 MHz Einbauart nicht bündig Abmessungen M18 × 1

R1QA001 Lector RFID industrial con IO-Link

Arbeitsbereich 0 ... 78 mm* Frequenzband 13,56 MHz Einbauart nicht bündig Abmessungen 40 × 40 × 67 mm

Industrial RFID Downloads

Product Flyer Industrial RFID Identification Solutions
Product Flyer Industrial RFID Identification Solutions (1 MB)
This do­cu­ment con­tains the pro­duct flyer for in­dus­trial RFID iden­ti­fi­ca­tion so­lu­tions.
Product Comparison