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Sensores inductivos

Los sen­so­res in­duc­ti­vos de­tec­tan ob­je­tos me­tá­li­cos me­dian­te in­duc­ción elec­tro­mag­né­ti­ca. Los di­fe­ren­tes for­ma­tos, los ma­te­ria­les de las car­ca­sas y las ele­va­das dis­tan­cias de con­mu­ta­ción per­mi­ten una gran va­rie­dad de apli­ca­cio­nes. Al su­pri­mir­se las pie­zas mó­vi­les, estos sen­so­res no su­fren des­gas­te y son re­sis­ten­tes al agua, a la su­cie­dad y a los mo­vi­mien­tos brus­cos.

Pro­duct Ca­te­go­ries of In­duc­ti­ve Sen­sors

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I08G005 Inductive Sensor with Full-Metal Housing

Range 2 mm Mounting Flush Dimensions M8 × 1 Output NPN Circuit NO

I12G002 Inductive Sensor with Full-Metal Housing

Range 4 mm Mounting Flush Dimensions M12 × 1 Output PNP Circuit NC+NO Speed 465 Hz

I08G004 Inductive Sensor with Full-Metal Housing

Range 4 mm Mounting Non-flush Dimensions M8 × 1 Output PNP Circuit NC

I12G006 Inductive Sensor with Full-Metal Housing

Range 10 mm Mounting Non-flush Dimensions M12 × 1 Output NPN Circuit NO Speed 375 Hz

I30G004 Inductive Sensor with Full-Metal Housing

Range 30 mm Mounting Non-flush Dimensions M30 × 1,5 Output PNP Circuit NC+NO Speed 132 Hz

I08G007 Inductive Sensor with Full-Metal Housing

Range 4 mm Mounting Non-flush Dimensions M8 × 1 Output NPN Circuit NO

INTT104 Inductive Sensor Head cable length: 5 m

Range 40 mm Sensor head temperature range -10 ... 250 °C Switching Distance 40 mm

INTT010 Inductive Sensor Head for Extreme Temperature Ranges

Range 25 mm Sensor head temperature range -10 ... 250 °C Switching Distance 25 mm
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Down­loads for In­duc­ti­ve Sen­sors

Inductive Sensors Product Flyer
Inductive Sensors Product Flyer (2 MB)

This do­cu­ment con­tains the pro­duct flyer for the in­duc­ti­ve sen­sors.

Inductive Sensors for Extreme Temperature Ranges Product Flyer
Inductive Sensors for Extreme Temperature Ranges Product Flyer (9 MB)

This do­cu­ment con­tains the pro­duct flyer for the in­duc­ti­ve sen­sors for ex­tre­me tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ges.

IO-Link Catalog
IO-Link Catalog (3 MB)

Sum­mary of all wen­glor pro­ducts with IO-​Link in­ter­fa­ce and mat­ching ac­ces­so­ries for net­work in­te­gra­tion.

Inductive Ring Sensors Product Flyer
Inductive Ring Sensors Product Flyer (1 MB)
This do­cu­ment con­tains the pro­duct flyer for the in­duc­ti­ve ring sen­sors.
Product Comparison