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Temperature Sensors for Contactless Measurement

Sen­sors of this type me­asu­re the tem­pe­ra­tu­re of ob­jects con­tact­lessly using inf­ra­red ra­di­ati­on – re­gard­less of ma­te­ri­al, size and state of agg­re­ga­ti­on. Two switching out­puts and an ana­log out­put enab­le the com­pa­ri­son of tar­get/ac­tu­al va­lu­es as well as ab­so­lu­te me­asu­re­ments.
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TIF352U0089 Temperature Sensor for Contactless Measurement

Housing Thread M30 Connection M12 × 1; 8-pin Speed 15 Hz Output PNP
Analog Output
Analog Output 0...10 V
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