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Training for Sensor and Image Processing Technologies

From ba­sics tra­ining to in­ten­si­ve tra­ining – there are nu­me­ro­us ways to learn in de­ta­il about wenglor pro­ducts and their app­li­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ti­es in the­ory and prac­ti­ce. En­gi­ne­ers and in­dustry experts pro­vi­de the ne­ces­sary knowledge trans­fer and sup­port in sol­ving in­di­vi­du­al chal­len­ges.

Mac­hi­ne Vi­si­on Ba­sics

This co­ur­se pro­vi­des the ba­sics of working with mac­hi­ne vi­si­on ca­me­ras and sys­tems. No prior knowledge ne­ces­sary.
Du­ra­ti­onTwo days
Tar­get groupBe­gin­ners in the field of mac­hi­ne vi­si­on without prior knowledge
Costs€ 1,500 per per­son
Lo­ca­ti­onwenglor Tra­ining Cen­ter in Tett­nang or Unterschleißheim (Ger­man)
We are also happy to hold the tra­ining co­ur­ses di­rectly at your com­pany. Con­tact us for per­so­nal ad­vi­ce and an in­di­vi­du­al offer.
Tra­ining con­tents
  • Light and color the­ory
  • Vi­si­on ca­me­ras
  • Len­ses
  • Len­ses and fil­ters
  • Il­lu­mi­na­ti­on
  • Smart ca­me­ras
  • Mac­hi­ne vi­si­on sys­tem
    • Image cap­tu­re – image pro­ces­sing – data out­put
  • 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors
  • 3D sen­sors
  • Bar­co­de scan­ners

uni­Vi­si­on 3 Ba­sics

The co­ur­se con­sists of three main mo­du­les that are self-​contained and can also be bo­oked in­di­vi­du­ally.
Du­ra­ti­onOne day per mo­du­le
Tar­get groupExperienced mac­hi­ne vi­si­on cus­to­mers who use or are in­te­res­ted in our pro­ducts
Costs€ 750 per per­son per mo­du­le
Lo­ca­ti­onwenglor Tra­ining Cen­ter in Tett­nang or Unterschleißheim (Ger­many)
We are also happy to hold the tra­ining co­ur­ses di­rectly at your com­pany. Con­tact us for per­so­nal ad­vi­ce and an in­di­vi­du­al offer.
Tra­ining con­tents
  • Basic setup of the B60 smart ca­me­ra, the vi­si­on sys­tem or the 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors
  • Pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the uni­Vi­si­on software
  • Pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the mo­du­lar software con­cept
  • Working with the B60 smart ca­me­ra, the vi­si­on sys­tem or the 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors – cre­ating and con­fi­gu­ring the first pro­jects
  • Using product-​specific uni­Vi­si­on mo­du­les
  • Tips and tricks
  • Prac­ti­cal exercises 
  • Tro­ub­les­ho­oting – e.g. cre­ating and working with Teach+ files

Main Mo­du­les

wenglor uni­Vi­si­on 3 for B60 Smart Ca­me­ra

Ba­sics uni­Vi­si­on 3 for Vi­si­on Sys­tem

Ba­sics uni­Vi­si­on 3 for 2D/3D Pro­fi­le Sen­sors

Add-​On Mo­du­les

    Ad­di­ti­onal “In­ter­fa­ces & App­li­ca­ti­ons” mo­du­les can be bo­oked for the res­pec­ti­ve main mo­du­les. These can only be as­sig­ned in com­bi­na­ti­on with the re­le­vant main mo­du­le.

    • Ad­di­ti­onal mo­du­les for the B60 smart ca­me­ra main mo­du­le: Robot in­ter­fa­ces/pick-​and-place
    • Ad­di­ti­onal mo­du­les for the vi­si­on sys­tem main mo­du­le: Robot in­ter­fa­ces/pick-​and-place
    • Ad­di­ti­onal mo­du­les for the main mo­du­le 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors: Weld seam trac­king, robot in­ter­fa­ces/pick-​and-place, Vi­si­onApp 360
    Du­ra­ti­onHalf a day per mo­du­le
    Tar­get groupCus­to­mers or pros­pects with spe­ci­fic app­li­ca­ti­ons (pick-​and-place, weld seam trac­king or 360° cont­rol)
    Costs€ 250 per per­son per ad­di­ti­onal mo­du­le
    Lo­ca­ti­onwenglor Tra­ining Cen­ter in Tett­nang or Unterschleißheim (Ger­many)
    We are also happy to hold the tra­ining co­ur­ses di­rectly at your com­pany. Con­tact us for per­so­nal ad­vi­ce and an in­di­vi­du­al offer.

    Training Contact Form

    Request *
    Training “Basics Machine Vision”
    Training “Basics uniVision 3”
    Individual Training Request

    *Mandatory field

    Product Comparison
    Any questions?
    Contact us!