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2D/3D Profile Sensors
weCat3D for Height Profiles

2D/3D pro­file sen­sors mea­sure ob­jects 360° all the way around, pre­ci­se­ly control the po­si­tions of ro­bots and ins­pect sur­faces ac­cu­rate to the exact mi­cro­me­ter. The ad­van­tages of wen­glor sen­sors: Per­for­mance and di­ver­si­ty. This al­lows 3D mea­su­re­ment tasks to be re­cor­ded and trans­fer­red pre­ci­se­ly, ef­fi­cient­ly and re­lia­bly.

How Do 2D/3D Pro­file Sen­sors from the weCat3D Se­ries Work?

2D/3D pro­file sen­sors from the weCat3D se­ries use the prin­ciple of laser tri­an­gu­la­tion to create 2D height pro­files and 3D point clouds. Di­verse ex­ter­nal in­ter­faces gua­ran­tee fast in­te­gra­tion of weCat3D sen­sors into com­plex sys­tems, while uni­Vi­sion soft­ware can be used to create tailor-​made sys­tem so­lu­tions.

Va­rious model va­riants en­able pre­cise re­so­lu­tion in a com­pact hou­sing de­si­gn (MLSL) and un­bea­table pro­file qua­li­ty thanks to op­ti­mi­zed high-​quality op­tics (MLWL) as well as use in harsh wel­ding ap­pli­ca­tions (MLZL) and cleaning-​intensive wa­sh­down areas (stain­less steel).

Im­merse your­self in the dif­ferent areas – or see the 2D/3D pro­file sen­sors in ac­tion in our ap­pli­ca­tion films!

weCat3D Sen­sors in Ac­tion

Qua­li­ty As­su­rance of Plas­tic Pro­files

The Bel­gian com­pa­ny De­ceu­ninck uses wen­glor’s in­tel­li­gent image pro­ces­sing so­lu­tions to check the qua­li­ty of ma­nu­fac­tu­red pro­ducts such as door and win­dow pro­files – pre­ci­se­ly and fully au­to­ma­ted.

Weld Seam Ins­pec­tion of Pas­sen­ger Car Com­po­nents

The Ca­na­dian ex­pert for ro­bo­tics, Blue­wrist, fully au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly checks the weld seams of pas­sen­ger car com­po­nents such as doors, tail­gates or struc­tu­ral com­po­nents with 2D/3D pro­file sen­sors.
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