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Portfolio of Fiber-Optic Sensors

Fiber-​optic sen­sors from wenglor offer the ideal so­lu­ti­on for de­man­ding tasks. They con­sist of a fiber-​optic amp­li­fi­er and fiber-​optic cab­les, which are ava­ilab­le with or without op­tics. This page pro­vi­des a de­ta­iled overview of the fiber-​optic sen­sor port­fo­lio.

P1XD Fiber-Optic Amplifiers

ODX Fiber-Optic Amplifiers

M18 Metric Fiber-Optic Amplifiers

M30 Metric Fiber-Optic Amplifiers

UM Fiber-Optic Amplifiers

Plastic Fiber-Optic Cables

Glass Fiber-Optic Cable

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