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Ultrasonic Sensors

Ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors ope­rate ac­cor­ding to the bat prin­ciple: They emit short sound pulses and mea­sure the run­time of the echo. They are in­sen­si­tive to conta­mi­na­tion and en­vi­ron­men­tal in­fluences. Ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors de­tect ob­jects or li­quids re­gard­less of dirt, dust, mist or am­bient light

U30T Ul­tra­so­nic Dis­tance Sen­sor

Pre­ci­sion, Ro­bust­ness and Flexi­bi­li­ty Com­bi­ned

The U30T ul­tra­so­nic sen­sor en­sures re­liable use in de­man­ding level and de­tec­tion ap­pli­ca­tions. The short M30 de­si­gn al­lows quick and easy ins­tal­la­tion, while the IO-​Link in­ter­face al­lows conve­nient pa­ra­me­te­ri­za­tion. The two ope­ra­ting modes syn­chro­nous and mul­ti­plex mode, as well as the op­tion of using the sen­sor as both a re­flex sen­sor and an ul­tra­so­nic through-​beam bar­rier offer maxi­mum flexi­bi­li­ty and a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions.

U18T Ul­tra­so­nic Dis­tance Sen­sors

Fast Ins­tal­la­tion, Ro­bust Hou­sing

The U18T ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors can be moun­ted qui­ck­ly and ea­si­ly thanks to the M18 thread. Their ro­bust stain­less steel hou­sing en­sures high sta­bi­li­ty and du­ra­bi­li­ty. By se­lec­ting dif­ferent sonic cone widths and ranges, a wide va­rie­ty of piece goods can be re­lia­bly de­tec­ted on conveyor belts, for example. With the re­flex, bar­rier, syn­chro­nous or mul­ti­plex ope­ra­ting modes, the U18T sen­sor re­lia­bly meets the re­qui­re­ments of mo­dern ap­pli­ca­tions.

U1KT Ul­tra­so­nic Dis­tance Sen­sors

Mi­nia­ture Sen­sors for Par­ti­cu­lar­ly Tight Spaces

Product image U1KT ultrasonic sensor
The U1KT sen­sors are ideal­ly sui­ted for ap­pli­ca­tions in nar­row, close-​range ins­tal­la­tion si­tua­tions thanks to their small for­mat. With a set­ting range of 30 to 400 mm, the ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors in K de­si­gn can be used both in re­flex mode ope­ra­tion and as ul­tra­so­nic through-​beam sen­sors. A sound­pipe is op­tio­nal­ly avai­lable to nar­row the sonic cone and en­able pre­cise mea­su­re­ments through small ope­nings.

U2GT Ul­tra­so­nic Dis­tance Sen­sors

Re­liable De­tec­tion in Harsh En­vi­ron­ments

The U2GT ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors in stain­less steel 316L hou­sing are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by their high ro­bust­ness and hy­gie­nic de­si­gn. They are re­sis­tant to high-​pressure clea­ning thanks to IP68/IP69K de­gree of pro­tec­tion. With a set­ting range of up to 1,300 mm and stan­dar­di­zed com­mu­ni­ca­tion in­ter­faces, they offer a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions. The U2GT sen­sors are spe­cial­ly de­si­gned for pre­cise mea­su­re­ment and de­tec­tion tasks in hy­gie­nic en­vi­ron­ments and are used in both hy­giene and wa­sh­down ap­pli­ca­tions.

U1RT Ul­tra­so­nic Dis­tance Sen­sors

Ultra-​Smart. Ultra-​Strong. Ul­tra­so­nic.

U1RT sen­sors are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by their ver­sa­ti­li­ty. They are the­re­fore es­pe­cial­ly well sui­ted for mo­ni­to­ring fill le­vels of li­quids and bulk goods and for de­tec­ting trans­pa­rent ob­jects. Thanks to their com­pact for­mat, the sen­sors can be in­te­gra­ted into conveyor lines to save space. They are the­re­fore sui­table for both re­flex mode ope­ra­tion and as an ul­tra­so­nic through-​beam sen­sor. The U1RT sen­sors de­tect ob­jects with a range of 80 to 1,200 mm, al­lo­wing flexible adap­ta­tion to dif­ferent re­qui­re­ments.

UMS Ul­tra­so­nic Dis­tance Sen­sors

Ul­tra­so­nic Sen­sors for Par­ti­cu­lar­ly Long Ranges

UMS ultrasonic sensor
Ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors from the UMS fa­mi­ly can achieve mea­su­ring lengths of up to 6,000 mm. With the op­tion of syn­chro­nous or mul­ti­plex mode, they offer flexible ope­ra­ting modes that can be ea­si­ly ad­jus­ted via the in­te­gra­ted dis­play. UMS sen­sors are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by their ver­sa­tile teach-​in op­tions, high re­sis­tance to in­ter­fe­rence and in­tui­tive pa­ra­me­te­ri­za­tion. These pro­per­ties offer re­liable so­lu­tions to nu­me­rous ap­pli­ca­tions in pro­cess au­to­ma­tion. 

UMF Ul­tra­so­nic Dis­tance Sen­sors

Ef­fi­cient Pro­cess Mo­ni­to­ring via Dis­play

UMF ultrasonic sensor
UMF sen­sors are sui­table for pre­cise dis­tance mea­su­re­ment in in­dus­trial en­vi­ron­ments up to a range of 3,000 mm. They im­press with their simple ins­tal­la­tion using M30 threads and their clear­ly vi­sible dis­play, which en­ables fast pa­ra­me­te­ri­za­tion. Thanks to their ro­bust hou­sing and high tem­pe­ra­ture re­sis­tance, they are par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ted for use in au­to­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gy, conveyor tech­no­lo­gy and the pa­cka­ging in­dus­try.

Product Comparison