Industrial Communication. Stay Connected.
Benefits at a Glance
IO-Link System Architecture

IO-Link System Solution from wenglor

“wenglor offers a comprehensive system solution for IO-Link systems that covers all required components – from master and analog converters to IO-Link-capable sensors.
In the automation industry, efficiency and flexibility are essential. wenglor understands these requirements precisely and supports you with a customer-specific portfolio of IO-Link products as a reliable partner in optimizing your processes."
Maik Ebendorff, Product Sales Expert Sensors
IO-Link Product Variety

IO-Link Master for Cloud-Based Systems
Independent integration of sensors and actuators from different manufacturers
Quick replacement of sensors and actuators without repeat manual parameterization
Integration of IODD on board and web servers with IODD interpreter for easy parameterization and data transfer
Supports the most common Industrial Ethernet communication protocols with high flexibility within the product range and various port usage options (e.g. Class A or Class B, digital input or output, IO-Link port)
From Sensor to Cloud – IIoT-Ready
wTeach Software for IO-Link Sensors

IO-Link Analog Converter for Integration of Sensors with Analog Interface
Use Cases with IO-Link Products

Flexible Sensor Parameterization
Increased efficiency due to simple parameterization when changing material during operation
Reduction of downtimes due to automatic adoption of the stored sensor parameters when the sensor is replaced

Digitalization of Analog Signals
No loss of accuracy due to multiple data conversion
Process-reliable data transmission with high electromagnetic compatibility
Insensitive to EMC influences due to digital process value transmission

Plug & Play with Data Storage
Sensor parameters are stored and automatically transferred when the sensor is replaced
Fast and error-free replacement thanks to automatic identification
Same parameterization and optical axis after sensor change with PNG//smart sensors

Changing the Format
Flexible adaptation to different batches for efficient production with varying materials and product sizes
Seamless adaptation and minimal downtimes due to simple parameterization when changing the program of the IO-Link products

Interference-Free Communication
Process-reliable data transmission through high electromagnetic compatibility
Use of unshielded standard cables for IO-Link
Product Overview