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Product Highlights

Mac­hi­ne Vi­si­on software is used to set up and eva­lu­ate smart ca­me­ras, image pro­ces­sing sys­tems and 2D/3D sen­sors. This page pro­vi­des an overview of the pro­duct high­lights of the mac­hi­ne vi­si­on software.

wenglor uni­Vi­si­on 3

In­tel­li­gent Com­bi­na­ti­on of Pa­ra­met­ri­za­ti­on and Prog­ram­ming

The stan­dard mo­du­lar wenglor uni­Vi­si­on 3 software com­bi­nes func­ti­ons for pa­ra­met­ri­za­ti­on and prog­ram­ming in in­dust­ri­al image pro­ces­sing. In ad­di­ti­on to sol­ving tra­di­ti­onal image pro­ces­sing tasks using pre­con­fi­gu­red mo­du­les, it also enab­les complex and in­di­vi­du­al chal­len­ges to be sol­ved via HAL­CON sc­rip­ting.

uni­Vi­si­on 2

Everyt­hing in a Sing­le Software Pac­ka­ge

uni­Vi­si­on 2 is the pa­ra­me­te­ri­zab­le stan­dard software for smart ca­me­ras and vi­si­on sen­sors from the B50 se­ri­es, for vi­si­on sys­tems, for smart 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors and for 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors with mac­hi­ne vi­si­on cont­rol­lers. It enab­les the eva­lu­ati­on of ima­ges and he­ight pro­fi­les in vi­si­on sys­tems with up to 16 de­vi­ces – easily, flexibly and without prog­ram­ming knowledge. In­tel­li­gent image pro­ces­sing – one software for all 2D and 3D app­li­ca­ti­ons!

wenglor Dis­co­very Tool

The wenglor Dis­co­very Tool is a software for re­li­ably se­arc­hing for and fin­ding wenglor mac­hi­ne vi­si­on de­vi­ces in the network – re­gard­less of the network con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of the sys­tem or the PC!

Vi­si­onApp 360

The Vi­si­onApp 360 software en­su­res full 360° pro­fi­le de­tec­ti­on when using up to 16 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors. The sen­sors can be synch­ro­ni­zed and ca­lib­ra­ted with fre­ely se­lec­tab­le ar­ran­ge­ment and for­mat by simp­le pa­ra­met­ri­za­ti­on. The me­asu­red va­lu­es are out­put via a TCP or GigE in­ter­fa­ce.

Vi­si­onApp Demo 3D

The free Vi­si­onApp Demo 3D software enab­les the disp­lay of me­asu­re­ment data from 2D/3D pro­fi­le sen­sors and 3D sen­sors. The data is disp­la­yed as point clo­uds which can be saved, lo­aded and trans­fer­red. Users con­fi­gu­re their sen­sors via the in­tu­iti­ve software in­ter­fa­ce.

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