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Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 3D Sen­sors. Ex­ce­llen­ce in Shape.

The Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 3D sen­sors are high-​performance sen­sors in the field of re­so­lu­tion and mea­su­ring speed and are the pio­neers among 3D ma­chi­ne vi­sion sen­sors. Thanks to the in­te­gra­ted pro­ces­sing of the data into a 3D point cloud and a fast Ether­net in­ter­fa­ce with up to 10 Gbit/s, users can re­cei­ve and pro­cess 3D point clouds in the shor­test pos­si­ble time.

The mea­su­ring prin­ci­ple of the 3D ma­chi­ne vi­sion sen­sor Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 is based on trian­gu­la­tion and struc­tu­red light. Se­ve­ral pat­terns are pro­jec­ted onto the ob­ject via the illu­mi­na­tion, while it is cap­tu­red syn­chro­nously by a ca­me­ra. Sophis­ti­ca­ted al­go­rithms are used to cal­cu­la­te a 3D point cloud from the va­rious ima­ges. The in­ter­nal cal­cu­la­tion is ca­rried out using the fas­test elec­tro­nics. The 3D sen­sors of the Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 se­ries, also known as snapshot sen­sors, are avai­la­ble with dif­fe­rent mea­su­ring ran­ges or mea­su­ring vo­lu­mes, so that a sen­sor can al­ways be se­lec­ted to suit the ap­pli­ca­tion. See the high qua­lity of the 3D point cloud for your­self.

Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4: Qua­dru­ple In­ge­nious Per­for­man­ce on One Chip

Thanks to the in­ge­nious Multiprocessor-​System-on-a-Chip tech­no­logy (MPSoC), the 3D sen­sors of the Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 se­ries have a wide range of high-​performance fea­tu­res – all in the sma­llest of spa­ces.

1. Pro­ces­sing Unit
Cen­tral pro­ces­sor unit for li­quid com­mand pro­ces­sing, con­trol and com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

2. Field Pro­gram­ma­ble Gate Array (FPGA)
Real-​time pro­ces­sing unit for fast cal­cu­la­tion of 3D point clouds in less than 250 mi­lli­se­conds.

3. Me­mory
Large (4 GB) and fast (19.2 Gbit/s) me­mo­ries enable re­lia­ble pro­ces­sing of huge amounts of data.

4. Con­nec­ti­vity
Fast trans­mis­sion speeds thanks to the in­te­gra­ted 1/10 Gi­ga­bit Ether­net in­ter­fa­ce. 

The Be­ne­fits of Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4

Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 sen­sors are de­sig­ned to the highest qua­lity in all res­pects. All com­po­nents of the Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 se­ries such as op­tics, me­cha­nics, elec­tro­nics, firm­wa­re and soft­wa­re must ful­fill the highest qua­lity re­qui­re­ments. This en­su­res a long ser­vi­ce life with sta­ble and re­pro­du­ci­ble re­sults, as ex­pec­ted in in­dus­trial ap­pli­ca­tions. Many dif­fe­rent fac­tors in­fluen­ce qua­lity. The most im­por­tant of these are ex­plai­ned below.

Ex­ce­llen­ce Th­rough 3D Point Cloud

The 3D point cloud meets the highest de­mands thanks to the sophis­ti­ca­ted al­go­rithm com­bi­ned with the qua­lity of the hard­wa­re. This mi­ni­mi­zes or eli­mi­na­tes noise and other ar­ti­facts.

Sta­bi­lity Th­rough Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Ma­na­ge­ment

In ad­di­tion to high-​quality com­po­nents, all Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 sen­sors have ac­ti­ve tem­pe­ra­tu­re ma­na­ge­ment. This tem­pe­ra­tu­re ma­na­ge­ment en­su­res that the sen­sor de­li­vers sta­ble and re­pro­du­ci­ble re­sults, even under fluc­tua­ting ex­ter­nal con­di­tions.

Re­lia­bi­lity Th­rough Ca­li­bra­tion

All Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 sen­sors are ca­li­bra­ted and tes­ted prior to de­li­very. This en­su­res that the sen­sor re­mains sta­ble for years, with no re­ca­li­bra­tion re­qui­red. The sen­sor can the­re­fo­re be used per­ma­nently and without in­te­rrup­tion.

Uni­for­mity Th­rough In­ter­fa­ce Con­cept

The Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 sen­sors can be in­te­gra­ted via an SDK or a GigE Vi­sion in­ter­fa­ce. The sen­sor is con­nec­ted to the ap­pli­ca­tion and ready for im­me­dia­te use in just a few steps. The in­te­gra­ted web ser­ver sim­pli­fies hand­ling and con­fi­gu­ra­tion.

Up-​to-Date at All Times Th­rough Up­da­tes

wen­glor of­fers im­pro­ve­ments in firm­wa­re and SDK/GigE Vi­sion free of char­ge for the user. Be­ne­fit from con­ti­nuous pro­duct de­ve­lop­ment with ex­ce­llent ex­ten­ded fun­ctions. The Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 sen­sors can be up­da­ted to the la­test ver­sions by the user.

Fle­xi­bi­lity Thanks to a Wide Range of Mo­dels

There are va­rious Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 sen­sors which cover mea­su­ring ran­ges from a few cen­ti­me­ters to over one meter. For ex­tre­me re­qui­re­ments, there are also sen­sors with a ca­me­ra re­so­lu­tion of 12 MP that ac­cu­ra­tely cap­tu­re even the sma­llest de­tails.

Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 MLAS 3D Sen­sors – Pre­ci­sion for Small Mea­su­ring Vo­lu­mes

The model va­riants of the Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 MLAS se­ries are avai­la­ble in 5 and 12 me­ga­pi­xel va­riants. This allows even the sma­llest struc­tu­res to be dis­sol­ved. High-​quality op­tics en­su­re op­ti­mal illu­mi­na­tion and re­cor­ding, which form the basis for a per­fect mea­su­re­ment. Ac­ti­ve tem­pe­ra­tu­re ma­na­ge­ment mo­ni­tors and con­trols the in­ter­nal tem­pe­ra­tu­re of the 3D sen­sor so that a 3D point cloud with the best pos­si­ble qua­lity can be ge­ne­ra­ted.

The 3D Point Cloud of the MLAS 3D Sen­sors

The Ad­van­ta­ges of the MLAS Se­ries at a Glan­ce

The Mea­su­ring Vo­lu­me of the MLAS 3D Sen­sors

The MLAS se­ries of­fers mea­su­ring vo­lu­mes of 60 × 40 × 40 mm up to 240 × 200 × 200 mm dis­tri­bu­ted over three mea­su­ring ran­ges. Gra­dua­tion of the mea­su­ring vo­lu­mes enables the ap­pro­pria­te se­lec­tion of a 3D ma­chi­ne vi­sion sen­sor for the res­pec­ti­ve ap­pli­ca­tion in order to achie­ve the best pos­si­ble re­so­lu­tion of the 3D point cloud.
In ad­di­tion to the 1/10 Gi­ga­bit Ether­net in­ter­fa­ce for the fas­test data trans­mis­sion, the sen­sor also of­fers di­gi­tal I/Os for in­te­gra­tion, so that the sen­sor can com­mu­ni­ca­te di­rectly with the en­vi­ron­ment. 
The sen­sor has stan­dard M12 con­nec­tions and can the­re­fo­re be used with stan­dard in­dus­trial con­nec­tion tech­no­logy. The IP67 hou­sing of­fers re­lia­ble ope­ra­tion in a harsh or often dusty ma­nu­fac­tu­ring en­vi­ron­ment. 

The MLAS 3D Sen­sor Mo­dels

Ca­me­ra re­so­lu­tion 5 MP
Wor­king range Z 300…340 mm 220…320 mm 400…600 mm
Mea­su­ring range Z 40 mm 100 mm 200 mm
Mea­su­ring range X 60 mm 120 mm 240 mm
Mea­su­ring range Y 48 mm 90 mm 200 mm
Re­so­lu­tion Z 3…4 µm 4…8 µm 13…30 µm
Re­so­lu­tion X/Y 30…34 µm 47…69 µm 115…172 µm
Hou­sing di­men­sions 60 × 250.8 × 160 mm 60 × 250.8 × 160 mm 60 × 250.8 × 160 mm
Ca­me­ra re­so­lu­tion 5 MP
Ca­me­ra re­so­lu­tion 12 MP
Wor­king range Z 255…295 mm 220…320 mm 270…470 mm
Mea­su­ring range Z 40 mm 100 mm 200 mm
Mea­su­ring range X 60 mm 120 mm 240 mm
Mea­su­ring range Y 40 mm 80 mm 160 mm
Re­so­lu­tion Z 1…2 µm 2…5 µm 3…9 µm
Re­so­lu­tion X/Y 18…20 µm 30…44 µm 37…65 µm
Hou­sing di­men­sions 60 × 250.8 × 160 mm 60 × 250.8 × 160 mm 60 × 250.8 × 160 mm


Ca­me­ra re­so­lu­tion 12 MP



3D Sen­sors Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 MLBS – Large Mea­su­ring Vo­lu­mes

The three model va­riants of the Sha­pe­Dri­ve G4 MLBS se­ries are op­ti­mally de­sig­ned for large mea­su­ring vo­lu­mes such as cra­tes or pa­llets. The three va­riants form a mea­su­ring vo­lu­me from 500 × 380 × 400 mm to 1,300 × 1,000 × 1,000 mm and are the­re­fo­re in line with those of the MLAS se­ries. The po­wer­ful illu­mi­na­tion of the sen­sor enables short ex­po­su­re times, es­pe­cially for dark ob­jects or long wor­king dis­tan­ces.

The MLBS se­ries sen­sors have a sym­me­tri­cal de­sign, mea­ning that the mea­su­ring vo­lu­me is not lo­ca­ted di­rectly under the sen­sor’s ca­me­ra, but in the midd­le of the sen­sor. This can be re­cog­ni­zed by the sym­me­tri­cal til­ting of the illu­mi­na­tion and the ca­me­ra. The sym­metry re­du­ces sha­do­wing ef­fects, such as with cra­tes, enabling the en­ti­re crate to be re­cor­ded.

The 3D Point Cloud of the MLBS 3D Sen­sors

The Ad­van­ta­ges of the MLBS Se­ries at a Glan­ce

El vo­lu­men de me­di­da de los sen­so­res 3D MLBS

Las tres va­rian­tes de la serie MLBS re­pre­sen­tan un vo­lu­men de me­di­da desde 500 × 380 × 400 mm hasta 1.300 × 1.000 × 1.000 mm y, por lo tanto, se in­cor­po­ran a los de la serie MLAS. Las E/S di­gi­ta­les y la in­ter­faz Ether­net de hasta 10 Gi­ga­bits per­mi­ten una in­te­gra­ción rá­pi­da y efi­caz en la in­fra­es­truc­tu­ra local.
La car­ca­sa de alu­mi­nio pro­por­cio­na una pro­tec­ción fia­ble en un en­torno de fa­bri­ca­ción. Gra­cias a su clase de pro­tec­ción IP67, los sen­so­res son aptos para su uso en en­tor­nos in­dus­tria­les ad­ver­sos. El sen­sor dis­po­ne de co­ne­xio­nes es­tán­dar M12, por lo que se puede uti­li­zar con la tec­no­lo­gía de co­ne­xión es­tán­dar más ha­bi­tual en la in­dus­tria.
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