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Detection of Metallic Objects in Feed Hoses by Inductive Ring Sensors

In screwing and feeding technology, fasteners such as screws, nuts or rivets are automatically conveyed, sorted, separated and then supplied to the screw system via feed hoses by compressed air. Inductive ring sensors are mounted on the hose in order to reliably detect objects guided at high speed. Thanks to the separable housing, the sensors can be mounted and dismounted quickly. Inductive ring sensors detect metallic parts as small as 2 mm and visualize their presence with all-round illumination.
Related applications can be found here.

Inductive Ring Sensors

Inductive ring sensors enable precise and reliable detection of small metal parts from a minimum size of 2.5 mm in feed hoses. The sensors can be quickly and flexibly mounted and removed from the hose thanks to the separable housing.

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