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Safety Relays and Analysis Modules 

Ana­ly­sis mo­du­les mo­ni­tor through-​beam sen­sors to de­tect in­ter­rup­ti­ons and switch off the safe­ty out­put.  
Safe­ty re­lays eva­lua­te si­gnals from emer­gen­cy stop swit­ches and pro­tec­ti­ve de­vices and enable standard-​compliant safe­ty func­tions in ac­cordance with EN ISO 13849-1, EN 60204-1, as well as potential-​free dis­con­nec­tion of elec­tri­cal cir­cuits.
5 products found
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SG4-00VA000R2 Safety Relay Basic Module

Number of Safety Outputs stop 0 2 Stop Category (EN 60204-1) 0 Connection Screw-type connection (pluggable)

SR4E4D01S Safety Relay Add-on Module

Number of Safety Outputs stop 0 4 Stop Category (EN 60204-1) 0 Connection Screw Clamp (pluggable)

SR4B3B01S Safety Relay Basic Module

Number of Safety Outputs stop 0 3 Stop Category (EN 60204-1) 0 Connection Screw Clamp (pluggable)

SR4D3B01S Safety Relay Basic Module

Number of Safety Outputs stop 0 2 Stop Category (EN 60204-1) 0 / 1 Connection Screw Clamp (pluggable)

SS2-00VA000R2 Safety Analysis Module for Safety Through-Beam Sensor

Connection Screw Clamp
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