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Die Aus­bil­dung bei wenglor ist deine ganz per­sön­li­che Art, frei zu sein. Ge­stal­te deine be­ruf­li­che Zu­kunft genau so, wie du sie dir vor­stellst. Egal, ob Aus­bil­dung oder DHBW-​Studium: Mo­ti­vier­te junge Ta­len­te wie du kön­nen bei uns rich­tig durch­star­ten und Teil der Ge­ne­ra­ti­on wenglor wer­den.

Wir sind die Ge­ne­ra­ti­on wenglor.

Wir sind ent­schlos­sen.

Wir über­neh­men Ver­ant­wor­tung.

Wir ste­hen für Frei­heit.

Wir wol­len die Welt ver­bes­sern.

Wir zei­gen Flag­ge.

Wir sind 100 % di­gi­tal.

Wir lie­ben Tech­no­lo­gien & Sto­ries.

Star­te deine Aus­bil­dung oder dein DHWB-​Studium bei wenglor in Tett­nang!

Or­ga­niza­tio­nal Skills x Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on

  • Or­ga­niza­ti­on is in your blood
  • You enjoy work­ing with people
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and ta­king in­itia­ti­ve are im­portant to you
  • Pro­jects drive you for­ward

Prac­ti­cal and va­ried tasks are part of your day-​to-day busi­ness. You gain in­sights into va­rious com­mer­cial di­vi­si­ons and work with in­no­va­ti­ve and di­gi­tal trai­ning me­thods. Your trai­ning/stu­dies is roun­ded off with ex­ci­ting pro­jects, where you can con­tri­bu­te and im­ple­ment your ideas.

Join Us!

  • In­dus­tri­al Clerk (m/f/d)
  • In­dus­tri­al Clerk with Ad­di­tio­nal Qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on (m/f/d)
  • Ba­che­lor of Arts Media De­sign (m/f/d)

Our Be­ne­fits, Your Free­dom.

Men­tor Pro­gram

  • You will be as­si­gned a men­tor to sup­port you in the first few months
  • Ideal sup­port from ex­pe­ri­en­ced trai­nees and stu­dents
  • Quick in­tro­duc­tion to the trai­nee com­mu­ni­ty

Trai­nee Days

  • Two days of get­ting to know the trai­nee com­mu­ni­ty
  • Key in­for­ma­ti­on on trai­ning and DHBW stu­dies
  • In­clu­des ex­cur­si­on and/or trai­nee hut
  • Team work­shop

Trade Fairs and Com­pe­ti­ti­ons

  • Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in trade fairs and edu­ca­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­ons
  • Lan­guage com­pe­ti­ti­on for­eign lan­guages
  • Op­por­tu­ni­ty to be­co­me an trai­nee am­bassa­dor

Trai­nees Train Trai­nees

  • Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the “trai­nees train trai­nees” pro­ject
  • In­de­pen­dent or­ga­niza­ti­on and im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of the event
  • Lear­ning ad­di­tio­nal skills

Time Ab­road

  • DHBW de­gree with op­ti­on of time ab­road
  • Pos­si­ble du­ring the theo­ry se­mes­ter
  • Can be com­bi­ned with a lan­guage trip

In­di­vi­du­al Sup­port

Students in the office
  • Sup­port for the en­ti­re du­ra­ti­on of the trai­ning
  • Sup­port from a per­ma­nent su­per­vi­sor in all de­part­ments

But that’s not all – dis­co­ver fur­ther be­ne­fits that wenglor of­fers you as a trai­nee or DHBW stu­dent!

We are wenglor – the in­no­va­ti­ve fa­mi­ly

One of the most suc­cess­ful medium-​sized family-​owned com­pa­nies for smart sen­sor and image proces­sing tech­no­lo­gies. Award-​winning and pa­ten­ted pro­duct and sys­tem so­lu­ti­ons are used in in­dus­tri­al pro­duc­tion world­wi­de. wenglor’s sen­sor and image proces­sing sys­tems en­su­re the hig­hest qua­li­ty and ef­fi­ci­en­cy in au­to­ma­ti­on.

Our Trai­nees In­tro­du­ce You to Their Pro­fes­si­ons – Both Du­ring And After Their Ap­p­ren­ticeships

Your Ca­reer Team

Michaela Knittel
Human Re­sour­ces Of­ficer
Mi­chae­la Knit­tel
wenglor sen­so­ric GmbH
+49 7542 5399-353
Michaela Knittel
Human Re­sour­ces Of­ficer
Loui­sa Form
wenglor sen­so­ric GmbH
Pro­duc­tion/Ware­house, Trai­ning & Stu­dies
+49 7542 5399-355
Michaela Knittel
Human Re­sour­ces Of­ficer
Diana Kö­ber­le
wenglor sen­so­ric GmbH
Com­mer­cial, Sales
+49 7542 5399-354
Michaela Knittel
Human Re­sour­ces Of­ficer
San­dra Leh­mann
wenglor MEL GmbH
+49 89 327150-122
Contact Benni Any questions?
Contact us!