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DNNF023 Software wenglor uniVision 3

The wenglor uniVision 3 software offers a user-friendly interface for parameterization of uniVision devices. With its modular and flexible structure, it enables the configuration of vision applications. Predefined templates and intuitive operation allow for fast and efficient application setup. An integrated simulator also makes it possible to perform parameterization offline, so that applications can be tested and optimized regardless of location and time. The uniform software platform for all camera-based uniVision products significantly reduces training, support and programming work.

Informações básicas

Aplicação para B60
for MVC
Versão 3.3.3
Idioma DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, PT, NL, HU, TR, ZH, RU
Modelo de licenciamento Freeware


Software de configuração Sim
Software de exibição Sim
Software de diagnóstico Sim

Pré-requisitos do sistema

Processador (mínimo) Intel® Core i3 (6th generation)
Memória de trabalho (mínimo) 2 GB RAM
Espaço livre no disco rígido 500 MB
Resolução mínima 1.280 × 1.024 Pixel
Resolução máxima 4.096 × 2.160 Pixel
Versão mínima do navegador Chrome 108
Chromium 111
Firefox 108
Microsoft Edge 108

Sistema operacional

Windows® 10, 64 bits Sim
Windows® 11 Sim

Interface de usuário

Ethernet Sim
Release notes
Operating instructions
General instructions
General instructions
B60xxxx.pdf MVCxxxx.pdf Optical_Seam_Tracking_Solutions.pdf
Soft- and Firmware
Soft- and Firmware
Software_wenglor_uniVision_3.0.3.zip Software_wenglor_uniVision_3.1.3.zip Software_wenglor_uniVision_3.2.2.zip Software_wenglor_uniVision_3.3.3.zip
Programming examples and configuration files
Programming examples and configuration files
Examples_HALCON_1.1.0.zip Examples_PLC_uniVision3_1.2.0.zip Examples_Robotics_1.0.0.zip
Interface protocol
Interface protocol

Product Highlights

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Product Comparison