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Ultrasonic Sensors

Ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors are sui­ta­ble for de­tec­ting trans­pa­rent, dark, glos­sy, re­flec­ti­ve or porous sur­faces. They can de­tect ob­jects or li­quids despi­te the pre­sence of dirt, dust, mist or ex­t­ra­neous light. The mea­su­red va­lu­es are de­ter­mi­ned by trans­mit­ting and re­cei­ving ul­tra­so­nic waves which are out­put as vol­ta­ge or via IO-​Link.

Ul­tra­so­nic Sen­sors Pro­duct Ca­te­go­ries

Ul­tra­so­nic Sen­sors Pro­duct Sel­ec­tor

29 products found
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U2GT001 Distanzsensor

Erfassungsbereich 50...600 mm Ausgang PNP Schaltung Schließer Anzahl Schaltausgänge 2

U2GT002 Distanzsensor

Erfassungsbereich 150...1300 mm Ausgang PNP Schaltung Schließer Anzahl Schaltausgänge 2

U2GT003 Distanzsensor

Erfassungsbereich 50...600 mm Analogausgang 4...20 mA Anzahl Schaltausgänge 1

U2GT004 Distanzsensor

Erfassungsbereich 150...1300 mm Analogausgang 4...20 mA Anzahl Schaltausgänge 1

U1KT001 Distanzsensor

Range 30...400 mm Output PNP
Error Output
Circuit NO Number of Switching Outputs 2

U1KT002 Distanzsensor

Range 30...400 mm Output NPN
Error Output
Circuit NO Number of Switching Outputs 2

U1KT003 Distanzsensor

Range 30...400 mm Output PNP
Error Output
Circuit NO Number of Switching Outputs 2

U1KT004 Distanzsensor

Range 30...400 mm Output PNP Circuit NC+NO Number of Switching Outputs 2

U1HJ001 Gabelsensor zur Etikettenerkennung

Output NPN
Circuit NO Speed 400 Hz Smallest Detectable Gap 2 mm Dimensions Fork Width 3 mm

UMS123U035 Distanzsensor

Range 100...1200 mm Analog Output 4...20 mA Number of Switching Outputs 2

UMF303U035 Distanzsensor

Range 200...3000 mm Output Analog Output Analog Output 0...10 V Number of Switching Outputs 1

UMF402U035 Distanzsensor

Range 50...400 mm Output Analog Output Analog Output 0...10 V Number of Switching Outputs 1
  • 1(current)
  • 2
  • 3

Ul­tra­so­nic Sen­sor Down­loads

Ultrasonic Sensors Product Flyer
Ultrasonic Sensors Product Flyer (995 KB)

This do­cu­ment con­tains the pro­duct flyer for the ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors.

New Products: Ultrasonic Sensors U1RT
New Products: Ultrasonic Sensors U1RT (470 KB)

We have sum­ma­ri­zed the most im­portant new pro­duct fea­tures and high­lights of the U1RT ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors for a clea­rer over­view.

New Products: Ultrasonic Sensors U2GT
New Products: Ultrasonic Sensors U2GT (511 KB)
We have sum­ma­ri­zed the most im­portant new pro­duct fea­tures and high­lights of the U2GT ul­tra­so­nic sen­sors for a clea­rer over­view.
Product Comparison