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Just Scan It – Code Scanning Made Easy!

Identify, Decode and Check

1D/2D and barcode scanners from wenglor reliably process simple barcodes with high data density, all the way up to complex 2D codes, which are marked directly on the respective parts (DPM codes). Thanks to its comprehensive scanner portfolio, wenglor offers the right technology and solution for every code type and application.

1D Code Scanners

identify, decode and check 1D codes – thanks to line, raster or sweep raster technology with the best performance in terms of readability and scan rate. 

1D/2D Code Scanners

reliably process simple barcodes with high data density, all the way up to complex 2D codes, which are marked directly on the respective parts (DPM codes).

1D/2D Handheld Scanners

enable flexible, location-independent reading of 1D and 2D codes – regardless of the orientation of the code and even on difficult surfaces.

1D Code Scanners

Industrial 1D code scanners identify, decode and check simple barcodes. They use light to detect large areas and can also scan and reliably recognize damaged or poorly legible barcodes with high frequency.

A distinction is made between scanners with different functional principles, each of which is suited to a specific application. 

Line Scanners (BLN/FIS-0003)

High-density barcode scanning, even on glossy surfaces

Raster Scanners (FIS-0830/FIS-0003)

Controlling high flow rates

Sweep Raster Scanners (FIS-0870)

Scanning of large surfaces

BLN Line Scanner – Scanning Codes on Glossy Materials

  • Reads all common barcodes printed or lasered on glossy materials – even in dynamic applications up to 0.3 m/s
  • Scan rate: 510 scans/s 
  • Range: 20…520 mm
  • CCD line for high read performance
  • Visible red light for easy alignment
  • Ethernet and RS-232 interface

Sample Applications

Barcode Reading on Workpiece Carriers

For the identification and documentation of components and work steps, the lasered barcodes on the workpiece carriers are read using barcode line scanners. The stored information is passed on via Ethernet to the control system, where the processing step is stored for tracking.

1D Code Reading at Manual Workstations

Barcodes are read by stationary line scanners to identify components in assembly processes at manual workstations. Using the clearly visible red CCD line, the worker intuitively recognizes the necessary orientation of the code, and the green status LED confirms the successful scan. 

Raster Scanner FIS-0830 – Scanner with Integrated Code Reconstruction

  • Reads all common 1D codes
  • Scan rate: 300…1,400 scans/s 
  • Range: 51…762 mm
  • Flexibly adjustable scan width up to 254 mm
  • Integrated code reconstruction 
  • RS-232, Ethernet TCP/IP and EtherNet/IPTMinterface

Sample Applications

Capturing Barcodes on Cans

In the packaging industry, barcodes printed on different cans must be reliably captured. The cylindrical cans are guided past the scanner at a speed of 45 m/min and are detected.

Capturing Barcodes on Plastic Boxes

Large logistics centers use different plastic boxes for transportation, storage and retrieval of items of all kinds marked with 1D codes. Barcode raster scanners capture the codes quickly and pass the data on to the controller via the TCP/IP interface.

Sweep Raster Scanner FIS-0870 – Optimal Adaptability

  • Reads all common 1D codes
  • Scan rate: 300…1,400 scans/s 
  • Flexibly adjustable scan width up to 254 mm
  • Scanning area: 25…762 mm
  • Durable housing with IP65 degree of protection
  • Flexibly adjustable deflection angle 
  • Programmable scan grid
  • Integrated code reconstruction 
  • Connection via CodeScan 360
  • Networking via separate gateways to bus systems
  • RS-232422/485 interfaces 

Sample Applications

Automatic Tracking of Large Packages

In intralogistics, pallets are transported on roller conveyors. The sweep raster scanners mounted on both sides of the conveyor belt reliably identify barcodes of different sizes, positions or arrangements on the packages in the variable detection range.

Inspection of Transport Labels on Palletized Goods

When finished products are wrapped on pallets, they are labeled with transport labels with a variety of 1D codes. Sweep raster scanners with particularly large detection ranges reliably recognize the numerous individual codes.

1D/2D Code Scanners

1D/2D code scanners are stationary scanners that can be used to process all codes reliably – from simple 1D codes with high data density to complex 2D codes marked directly on the objects (DPM codes). They adapt to the conditions at lightning speed and thus read codes of different distances and sizes. A wide scanning area is covered by a large aperture angle . A high scanning stability is guaranteed even in changing ambient light.

1D/2D Code Scanner (C5PC)

Scan everything without software

1D/2D Code Scanner (FIS-0004)

Reading of 1D/2D Codes in Static Applications

1D/2D Code Scanner (C50C)

Scanning with wenglor MultiCore Technology

C5PC Series – Scanning without Software

The 1D/2D code scanners from the C5PC series are ready for immediate use: Automatic configuration takes place thanks to auto-setup and unlimited auto-focus (liquid lens). Thanks to wenglor WebLink (web server), no software is required. In addition, it is optionally possible to save settings in a database stored in the sensor, the so-called Multishot Configuration Database; the settings are processed automatically by a trigger signal and the result is output as soon as a setting leads to scanning success. The functionality is rounded off with protection against manipulation with adjustable password-protected user levels.
  • Scanning of printed and directly marked 1D and 2D codes 
  • Range: 50…1,200 mm
  • Various resolutions: 0.34, 1.2 and 5 megapixels 
  • High-speed mode for capturing up to 32 codes at once
  • Linking of up to 8 scanners via CodeScan 360
  • Code quality determination according to ISO/IEC standards
  • Automated code queries with Multishot Configuration Database for reduced manual programming
  • Interfaces: RS-232, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET or EtherNet/IPTM

The automotive industry places high demands on the traceability of the installed components – in the quality assurance process, many different types of parts must be continuously checked (track and trace). The scanners used must read different types of codes (1D and 2D codes) that have been applied in different sizes to different materials and difficult surfaces such as dark plastic parts and shiny metal surfaces in different ways (needle-punched, etched, lasered).

Decoding of DataMatrix Codes on Engine Blocks

In end-of-line quality control of engine blocks, a C5PC code scanner uses a needle-punched QR code to determine which engine block it is and which test program must be selected.

DataMatrix Code Scanning on Plastic Hoses in Varying Light Conditions

Thanks to the automatic brightness and exposure control, a C5PC code scanner reliably detects 2D codes on black plastic tubes, even in highly fluctuating light conditions and changing positions.

Rapidly moving electronic and semiconductor components often have very small, dark or glossy surfaces. Thus, the (DPM) codes applied to them are also very small and must be recorded and scanned by the scanner in short cycle times. In order to enable continuous quality assurance, each individual assembly must be scanned and thus identified (track and trace).

Detection of Small QR Codes on High-Gloss Electronic Components

Thanks to their high resolution, C5PC code scanners read very small DPM codes that are barely larger than one millimeter. Using polarization filters or optical diffusers, codes on extremely reflective electronic components are reliably decoded.

Scanning of QR Codes on Printed Circuit Boards

For end-to-end product traceability (track and trace), QR codes are scanned on printed circuit boards in the semiconductor industry and the collected data is transmitted to the control system. Thanks to its compact format, the C5PC can be mounted under the conveyor rail to save space.

Scanners are used to determine the authenticity of each individual item in the pharmaceutical and food industry. They read the product information encrypted in 2D codes and forward the data for plagiarism testing. In order to avoid costly recalls due to the delivery of faulty items, a continuous quality assurance process is also necessary, which prevents the dispatch of reject articles and items with production errors.

360° Code Scanning on Canned Foods

After the filling process in the food industry, all articles are provided with a barcode for traceability and identification. Using the CodeScan 360 link, six C5PC scanners perform a 360° code scan synchronously and at very high speed.

Code Reading of Pharmaceuticals and Packaging at High Speeds

For end-to-end product traceability, the codes of the ampoules (1D) and the associated cardboard packaging (2D) are scanned and assigned to each other when pharmaceuticals are packaged. The 1D/2D code scanners from the C5PC series used have a high-speed mode that enables up to 32 codes to be recorded simultaneously.

FIS-0004 Series – Reading of 1D/2D Codes in Static Applications

  • Scanning of 1D and 2D codes regardless of code orientation (omnidirectional)
  • Scan rate: 10 scans/s 
  • Range: 36…152 mm
  • Resolution: 640 × 480 pixels
  • Connection via CodeScan 360
  • RS-232/422/485 interfaces

C50C Series – Scanning with wenglor MultiCore Technology

  • Scanning of printed and directly marked 1D and 2D codes 
  • Scan rate: 20 scans/s
  • Range: 20…500 mm
  • Resolution: 736 × 480 pixels
  • weQubeDecode with high-speed data transmission via separate communication processor 
  • Modularly expandable software concept with numerous features such as 3D tracking, Teach+ and match codecomparison 
  • Integrated code reconstruction 
  • PROFINET and EtherNet/IPTMinterface

Ejemplos de aplicación

Descodificación de códigos DataMatrix en puertas interiores de automóviles

En la industria automovilística, es necesario comprobar visualmente la calidad de los diferentes componentes de las puertas interiores de los automóviles en el caso de varios tipos de puertas diferentes. Para identificar de forma inequívoca las puertas antes del proceso de comprobación, un escáner de códigos 1D/2D lee un código DataMatrix etiquetado en las puertas.

Escaneo de códigos DataMatrix en lunas traseras transparentes

En la fabricación de las lunas traseras de automóviles se deben identificar, diferenciar y seguir diversas variantes de lunas. Para ello, se coloca un pequeño código DataMatrix en el vidrio transparente que, al pasar por delante en el tramo de transporte, se lee y descodifica a pesar de las condiciones de luz y los fondos cambiantes.

Escáneres manuales 1D/2D

Los escáneres manuales son aparatos de lectura de códigos 1D/2D móviles que permiten una lectura de códigos flexible e independiente del lugar de lectura. Son adecuados para la lectura omnidireccional de diferentes tipos de códigos (códigos 1D y 2D). Mediante la utilización de tecnología de iluminación innovadora y patentada, los escáneres manuales leen también todos los códigos que se encuentren sobre superficies difíciles.
Las señales táctiles, acústicas o visuales indican la correcta decodificación. Además de los escáneres manuales con cable, también están disponibles escáneres manuales Bluetooth inalámbricos.

Escáneres manuales 1D/2D (CSMH/CSLH)

Escáneres robustos para todos los ámbitos

Escáner manual 1D/2D (CSHH)

Escaneo de códigos DPM en superficies brillantes y combadas

Escáneres manuales 1D/2D con cable de la serie CSMH

  • Lectura móvil de todos los códigos 1D yá2D habituales (también DPM) independientemente de la orientación del código (omnidireccional)
  • Rango: 5…328 mm
  • Resolución: 1.280 × 960 píxeles
  • Ayuda de alineación óptica integrada para un registro rápido de los códigos
  • Lectura de códigos dañados 
  • Resistente a agentes limpiadores 
  • Interfaz RS-232 o USB

Ejemplos de aplicación

Lectura de códigos en 1D y 2D sobre tuberías de metal mediante escáner manual para soldadoras portátiles

El escáner manual detecta la corriente de soldadura correcta escaneando códigos en tubos metálicos. Esta se ajusta directamente en la soldadora conectada.

CSHH001 – Escaneo de códigos DPM sobre superficies brillantes y combadas

El escáner manual perfecto para la industria automovilística: es robusto y, por lo tanto, resiste el exigente entorno industrial. Además, lee todos los tipos de códigos (códigos 1D y 2D) en superficies brillantes. Lo lee absolutamente todo.
  • Lectura de códigos 1D y 2D marcados con punzonado, impresos, grabados con láser o con ataque químico (DPM)
  • Rango: 0…51 mm
  • Resolución: 1.280 × 960 píxeles
  • Longitud del cable: 180 cm
  • Innovadora tecnología de iluminación para escanear en diferentes sitios y sobre superficies difíciles
  • Interfaz USB

Ejemplos de aplicación

Lectura de códigos 2D marcados con punzonado en componentes redondos y brillantes

En la industria automovilística se debe poder identificar y hacer un seguimiento de elementos de tamaño muy pequeño, como los componentes del tren de rodaje y del motor. Gracias a la tecnología de iluminación integrada, el escáner manual registra de forma rápida y segura los códigos DataMatrix marcados con punzonado en las piezas metálicas parcialmente brillantes y redondas.

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