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wenglor Discovery Tool

The wen­glor Dis­co­ve­ry Tool is a soft­ware for sear­ching for and fin­ding wen­glor Ma­chine Vi­sion de­vices in the net­work – re­gard­less of the net­work confi­gu­ra­tion of the sys­tem or the PC and for ad­jus­ting the net­work confi­gu­ra­tion of the Ma­chine Vi­sion de­vices.
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DNNF022 wenglor Discovery Tool Software

Use for B60
for MLASx1x
for MLBSx1x
for MVC
Licensing model Freeware Language DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, PT, NL, HU, TR, ZH, RU Operating System Windows® 10, 64 bit (Version 22H2)
Windows® 11, (Version 22H2)
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